
International Overdose Awareness Day

Date: 31/08/2024
Time: 01:00 pm
Location: Ground Floor, Manipur Press Club.
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: Social Awareness Service Organisation (SASO)
Contact: Yumnam Shasikumar Singh
Phone: 09862027259


Social Awareness Service Organisation (SASO)
Cordially invites you at the
International Overdose Awareness Day
“Together we can”
On Saturday, 31st August 2024
at Manipur Press Club, Majorkhul, Imphal at 1.00 pm.
Haobam Rosita, IAS
Project Director, MACS
Y. Shasikumar Singh
General Secretary, SASO
Prof. Dr. M C Arunkumar
Professor Anthropology Dept. MU
Dr. K. Shantibala Devi,
HoD Psychiatric Dept. JNIMS
Khogendra Khomdram,
President, Editors Guild Manipur
have consented to grace the function as Chief Guest, Functional
President and Guest of Honour respectively
In partnership with MNP+, CARE FOUNDATION and KRIPA SOCIETY.

1.00 pm: Arrival (Guest/Invitees/Dignitaries) & Registration
1.10 pm: Dignitaries takes the chairs
1.20 pm: Presentation of Memento
1.30 pm: Welcome Address
1.40 pm: Introductory Speech
1.50 pm: Speech by Guests of Honour
 Prof. Dr. M C Arunkumar
Professor Anthropology Dept. MU
 Dr. K. Shantibala Devi,
HoD Psychiatric Dept. JNIMS
 Khogendra Khomdram,
President, Editors Guild Manipur
3.10 pm: Speech by Chief Guest: Haobam Rosita, IAS, PD-MACS
3.30 pm: Speech by Functional President: Y. Shasikumar, General
Secretary, SASO
3.40 pm: Vote of Thanks
4.00 pm: Closing with Light Refreshment