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International Overdose Awareness Day (IOAD) – held on August 31 every year – is the world’s largest annual campaign to end overdose, remember without stigma those who have died and acknowledge the grief of family and friends left behind.

Our theme for 2024 is “Together we can”, highlighting the power of our community when we all stand together.

#IOAD2024 #TogetherWeCan #EndOverdose

What we stand for

International Overdose Awareness Day is driven by the following principles...
Overdose can and must be prevented
Overdose prevention solutions exist – let’s use them.
Criminalizing drug use hasn’t worked. Compassionate alternatives must be pursued.
Policy and legislation must exist to protect individuals and communities, and ensure basic human rights and needs are met.
Everyone has a right to respectful and comprehensive health care.
Only a community-wide effort can end overdose.
Join our global movement today.

Ways to get involved

Host or join an event

Host or attend an International Overdose Awareness Day event to remember those lost to overdose, learn more about overdose, or advocate for change to end overdose.

Download and share resources

Download our campaign, advocacy and education resources and share messages about overdose and overdose prevention in your community or workplace today.

Remember with a tribute

Post a tribute to a loved one who has passed away from an overdose on the International Overdose Awareness Day tribute page. 


Buy merchandise

Buying and wearing merchandise is a great way to show your support and spread the messages of International Overdose Awareness Day.

Tributes from the community

James lisle

He was a real down to earth person he definitely didn’t judge he liked his space but also liked people you knew he always had ur back if he was ur friend he’d do anything in the world for you.

... Megan

Jessica Mahn (Irwin)

My sweet little cousin that grew up with me and spent most of life making me hysterically laugh. I miss your face I miss your laughter and miss your silliness and funny talks. You always made me laugh. We were so much alike when it came to our humor and what we thought was funny. People would just sit and wonder what we were saying that had us laughing out of our seats. I wish you were here, I wish you were beside me and helping me thru my struggles right now. You were always there when I needed you and still even there when I didn’t think I needed you. You were way to young to go and I am so sad to spend this dreadful life without the one who always made it brighter. I have had regret for the introduction of people who turned to be not at all good for you. I regret that you made a choice and took a chance on something that someone showed you how to do. I hate that it was your own husband and someone you thought you could lean and depend on for protection. I hate that the one person who should have protected you did the exact opposite and basically brought you into the horrible world of addiction and then dropped you and turned his back on you when you couldn’t kick it. I hate that he watched you go into the downward spiral and was with you as you did this without even caring to what damage it would and did cause In your life. I hate that he didn’t care enough about little L.A. to have helped turn you around in the right direction so you could continue to be the wonderful mother that you were and needed to be for little L.A. I hate that he didn’t help you help yourself. I hate that I wasn’t there for you and I hate that you didn’t let me know how bad you were struggling with it. I hate that you didn’t tell me anything about how bad it had gotten even tho I had felt like I knew by how you were, how you were acting which was so far from being that sweet little cousin I grew up with.
I hate that even tho I suspected it and saw it that I didn’t take it more seriously and whole heartedly to take the time to actually talk with you about these struggles. I hate you didn’t lean on me like I wish you would have. I felt like I knew you were still using but you didn’t trust me enough to let me in on your secret or give me the opportunity to help you that I left it at that instead of forcing myself into what needed to be done to get you sober. I almost died after you left us. I tried to leave right along with you as I knew I would be lost without you. I hope to get a flying Angel visit from you soon. As I hear your voice and laugh all the time. I even sound like you when I get excited and talking fast. I think of you often and am sure that you are making the whole heavens laugh like you used to make me laugh. I know you were happy to finally see your other musketeer Kristina who Is up in the heavens with you. And I’m sure you and Kristina are up in the heavens sitting shotgun with the Lord. I am sure you and momma and Kristina are the rulers of laughville. I miss you so very much Jessie. I wish you were holding my hand thru these rough times I’ve been and still am facing. I know that your watching over me and I hope to hear your Angel laughter for my entire time on this now empty world. The world, my life, and my happiness will never be the same without you.
I love and miss you deeply.
Love your cousin
The missing Musketeer

... Elizabeth

Robert Patrick Randles

My son. Born in 1984 -2024. Beloved and greatly missed and loved. April will be a month for me to mourn for the rest of my life.
You’re never supposed to bury your child before a parent. Hate for the dealers if fentanyl.

... Carmen

Cheryl Ann millhouse

Cheryl Ann Millhouse, you are loved by everyone and me and your family. Your kids are grown and doing well I believe. I know you accidentally did this and I wish we found you earlier. It’s sad you passed on my birthday. Rip chance is with you.

... Christopher g Roberts

Anthony Joshua Freitas

Hey buddy you tried so hard to quit but it got the best of you. Sorry I couldn’t be there to save your life this time. Now you get to be with your Dad and Mom. I will miss u bro so will everyone else that knew you. Onthaforya!!!

... Dylan

Rochelle Nicole Castonguay "Shell"

You passed of a heroin overdose, dosed by some guy you thought you could trust. The police came to get you, no one went to jail, and no one gave you a proper obituary. My heart hurts for you after hearing about all this from your mom, and it still bothers me that you literally had no support. You deserved so much more than that. Given that you were a bright, brilliant woman with incredible leadership skills. I am happy to have finally got you to become my friend after a long time trying. Even if your nickname for me was “my annoying little cousin”. Haha. Damn Shell. I am sorry you never got the uplifting you deserved and I just wish you the absolute best life in the next life… If there is one. I’ll never forget you miss lady!

... A close family friend.

#IOAD. Time to Remember. Time to Act.

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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