Event Tips

Someone's Hero
Someone's Best Friend
Someone's Buddy

Time to Remember. Time to Act.

Holding an event is a great way to show your support for International Overdose Awareness Day.

You can choose to hold an event to celebrate, commemorate or educate – some ideas include:

  • Hold a memorial service
  • Plant a tree
  • Have a barbecue
  • Invite a speaker
  • Have an open mic night
  • Run an education campaign

Help make your event a success with our Downloadable Resources.

Tips for Community Events

• Choose the type of event you would like to run. Broadly speaking, events fit into two categories, ceremonial events and educational ones. You can choose the event format that suits your own International Overdose Awareness Day goal the most.

• A ceremony can take many forms including: a candlelight vigil, tree planting, banner signing, tribute reading or a mixture of those plus music performances and public speaking.

• Educational events or campaigns could include overdose prevention and response.

• Choose a time, date and place that would best serve your event or ceremony, such as on International Overdose Awareness Day (31 August). However, any day is fine to encourage the greatest number of people to attend.

• Get in touch with your local government representatives and extend an invitation to an International Overdose Awareness Day event. They may be able to help out by providing a venue or event support (e.g. refreshments, banners, tables and chairs).

• Write a press release about your event and send it to your local media. Remember to approach this with sensitivity: make sure to use open, inclusive language that does not demean or expose someone to possible ridicule.

• Get in touch with your local community service providers to tell them about an International Overdose Awareness Day event and encourage them to invite their clients. Groups to contact include community centres, drug treatment providers, family support groups, local counselling services, emergency services and the local police force.

For information and resources to help you hold a successful International Overdose Awareness Day event, go to Downloadable Resources.