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The energy in the room was so raw and sincere. I did not personally know him, other than a quick hello once or twice, and through your stories. Like the rest of us, he had his flaws and could have, at times, made better decisions. However, it appears that his heart was in the right place and that he gave more in his short lifetime than many do in 80 years. It was clear that he demonstrated love and kindness to many in need. God granted him a very special gift so that he can use his talent to touch many in a short time. You should be proud to know that he did what he was meant to do with his talent. Another thing that I found beautiful was that there was no attempt to hide the cause of his demise. I’m glad it was an honest presentation to express the importance of awareness of drug use and its consequences. Hopefully, his message from beyond will encourage others to get the help that they need so that they may focus their own talents in the manner that they’re meant to. Yet even so, his short life span, should make the rest of us reflect and wonder if we’ve accomplished even a quarter of what he did in his short time. He brought a smile and joy to so many that because of their life’s circumstances makes them even more vulnerable and in need of expressions of love and joy. God used Tyler as a blessing to many. That should definitely bring some level of comfort to you and your family. In sympathy,

Drug overdose is up 300% this is crazy, If you know someone that needs help, offer it, let them know someone cares. Rest In Peace Tyler Katarsky

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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