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To my sister Tammy:

I miss you so very much. I miss all the moments we have shared together. I know you loved you family so very much. And the disease of addiction had took everything away from you. I know deep down you were still the same person you always were. The disease just had different plans for your life. I know that all the horrible things you did, you never wanted to do. By sharing the same road as you I have learned a whole lot of thing. I wish I was able to get you clean back when I did. Cuz then you would be almost celebrating 4 years of recovery. Instead your family is now suffering through the 3rd year since you passed away from an overdose. August 31st will forever hurt my soul. Seeing that is the day you left back in 2013. I love you Tammy.

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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