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To: Nick “Munch” Mata 6/18/87 – 5/14/10

Nick we miss your face, your laugh, and your hugs. We are forever changed and for the better, this we owe you. The 22 years you spent with us, you taught us to love and cherish every day. It’s been 15 months as of 5/14/2011 and it still feels like yesterday when we received the worse phone call ever. Our hearts hurt everyday but the only belief that keeps us going, is knowing nothing can hurt you now. That you are riding dirt bikes and cruising the river on your boat. That you are truly happy and free. We love you more than words can define. I carry your heart. 

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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