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I will always love you I miss you geo matter how many days go by it will never be a day I don’t think of you and keep you in my ❤️. I don’t know why god has taken you so soon I guess he needs to match angels for some work above. I think God every day that I wake up and continue this fight for us you may have lost his battle against thing we know is addiction but I will continue each and every day that I have a breath in my body to fight for each and every one of us I will let the world know what it is to be an addict it’s not something we choose it’s something that we just can’t flight off we don’t use to wake up every day and Chase what makes us feel like a normal human being and masker pain whether it be hide from something that we are free Dolph or something that we’ve dealt with in our past no matter what it is each one of us had her own demons to fight some of us may have lost but there is there one day pass that has still to this day or here and fighting every day to try to get this stigma of this what they call diction because unless you walk this path you have no idea what it is to be an addict we don’t like getting up every day I’m chasing this medication or this drug to make us feel better to where we can paste the world every day and not hide in the shadows cause you’re matter what each one of us are brother and sister mother daughter father and all of us have ones that love us just for us can’t see that because we’re so afraid of what we became to let anyone in so we hide in the shadows and we do the straw struck mask way we really feel I don’t let anyone see what’s really behind it seven till we meet again I will stand for all of us not just myself what are you can everyone of you that may have lost his demon until what I see we need to get above I will continue to fight a demon and try Tailey save one if I save one I’m OK with that because I know I’ve made that effort to help someone in need no matter what it might be cause he’s one of us are different and we all Chase this drug for a different reason do you know we’re not all the same so we shouldn’t be placed in a stigma because not all of us are saying we all have our own issues are old battles our own demons that we fight each and every day so I just want people to know this is it like we chose this is just what we were dealt should we did the best we could each day Live as we could what we could find a flight but it’s not a great life it’s a hard battle age and every day Sinatra come to this demon recall at record I love you guys and I will see you guys one day soon but until then I will keep your memory alive as long as there’s a breath in my body you will not be forgotten

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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