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My son, Dom, was a handsome, smart, charming, self-possessed, super outgoing kid who brought joy and comfort to people. He was so kind to the animals and tried his best to be a good friend to his people. When he began experimenting with Oxy, that begain the long slow burn and fade of this beautiful boy. He could have done anything he chose in life and instead, drugs chose him. They took this child from all of us and he did fight and try his very best to overcome at certain points. He befriended kids in his rehab who no one else could reach. He was the biggest blessing a mother could ask for and then he was gone, too soon, by just 18 years old. Dominic was a wonderful person inside, deep and thoughtful, sweet and caring. It’s not fair that he is gone, and I honor the good, precious memories that I still have.

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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