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My seven year old son lost his father January of 2022. Mark loved our son with everything he had. He was so proud of everything our son did and encouraged him to be strong and never give up. Mark always wanted to know how school and sports went and attended events when he could. Living in different cities we never knew he struggling with addiction until the phone call came. The night we told our son there was a huge snow storm and school was canceled for the rest of the week. We were able to stay home and pour our love and support into him. A seven year old should never know what drugs are but he has been so brave and open to talk about his dad that he is setting an example. He reminds everyone to love people where they are at and never give up hope that there will be brighter days.

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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