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Tracy Thacker (died 10/04/13 just 16 days before his 42nd birthday)
My big brother died of an overdose of Opana after a long fight with prescription medication addiction.

We told you that if you did not get control then you would not make it to age 40. I pushed you away, I dreaded seeing you coming because you would beg for money when I knew you were capable of supporting yourself. I treated you like you were nuisance on society. I regret it, I regret more than anything! I think of you every day and think of the things that I could have and should have done for you. I think about how I have failed you as a sister and now it is too late to take any of it back. I then think about how you always made sure to tell me that you loved me. I wish I could have spoken to you and hugged you one last time but I was not able to make it to the hospital before you passed. I am so sorry bubby. I love you, I miss you, and I will do my best to watch over your baby boys.

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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