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There will always be a hole, you learn to walk around it – sometimes it’s a slippery slope and you slip fast, sometimes you look over the edge, and sometimes, with the help of incredible family, friends and people you don’t even know, you continue to navigate around it. I miss you so much, Jake, 20 years young, my beautiful, smart, loyal, misunderstood boy, I want you to be here with us, you should be here with us. 💔💔
Addiction, Substance Use Disorder is a disease, not a choice. Please learn about it, especially now when overdoses are rising exponentially, and help REDUCE THE STIGMA. IT CAN HAPPEN TO ANYONE. Just ask me.

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

Sign up to the International Overdose Awareness Day newsletter and become part of the global movement to end overdose.

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