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To the love of my life. I wish that you would have chosen a different road to go on that day. It was just an accident and we could have gotten through it. I wish I had not left you alone when you asked for space. I wish that I done so many things differently. I just didn’t know that you would have turned to this. I know you didn’t want to die. I know you loved me. I should have known. It hurts every single second of the day without you. We had our whole life planned and we were so happy. Everyone misses you so much. You lit up every room. Every space. Every single person. We all love you so much. I love you now, forever, and eternally. You are my true love and I miss my best friend. I LOVE YOU. And my life is completely empty without you.

Posted 07/02/2020

Overdose affects everyone. From grieving families to spontaneous first responders, the impacts of overdose are far-reaching and fall indiscriminately.

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