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OhioCAN Mahoning County International Overdose Awareness Day Event

Date: 29/08/2024
Time: 06:00 pm
Location: Unitarian Universalist Church of Youngstown across from Wick Park on the corner of Elm and Illinois Ave.
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: OhioCAN Mahoning County
Contact: Hopeanne Lovrinoff-Moran
Phone: 3305075313
Email: Ohiowecan50@gmail.com

We will gather together during this family friendly event to remember all those lost to Overdose in Mahoning County in the last year and any others brought forward by their loved ones. We will have speakers: Rev. J. Boyd:Harm Reduction As Social Justice.
Cassie Harrell:Voice of loss & voice of recovery-As both a person in long term recovery and as one who has experienced profound loss in her journey living with Substance Use Disorder Cassie has a unique perspective that allows her to address the needs of others living with Substance Use Disorder.As she shares her story, we will see how her accessing a harm reduction program positively impacted her and helped lead her to recovery. Hope Lovrinoff-Moran: OhioCAN Mahoning County Harm Reduction Outreach, what the outreach is and it’s positive impact on the populations it serves. We will have community resource tables, free Narcan training and distribution, free harm reduction supplies including Xylazine and Fentanyl test strips, condoms and safer use supplies. Additionally we will have free hygiene supplies, feminine hygiene essentials, diapers and childrens gift bags and more. Music, water, children’s activities and games will be provided. There will be luminarias lit for each person lost to overdose in Mahoning County in the last year and attendees will be provided with luminarias to tag and light in remembrance of loved ones lost to overdose. A candlelight vigil and recitation of names of those lost will conclude the event at approximately 8:30 p.m.