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International Overdose Awareness – Night of Remembrance

Date: 30/08/2024
Time: 06:30 pm
Location: THRIVE Westbury – suite 400
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: Family and Childrens Association
Contact: Danielle Itgen
Phone: (516)736-1707
Email: ditgen@fcali.org
Web: https://www.thriveli.org/

On Friday, August 30 at 6:30 PM THRIVE Nassau will be hosting our first International Overdose Awareness “Night of Remembrance.” We will be creating our Overdose Remembrance Wall in honor of loved ones lost to substance use disorder. We will also be having a Narcan Training, as well as bracelet making with names of loved ones we have lost to this disease. This event is for anyone 18+ who are in recovery, who have a loved one that is in recovery, and for anyone who has been personally affected by this disease.