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Overdose Awareness Day

Date: 31/08/2024
Time: 10:00 am
Location: Where the gazebo is located in the middle of the park.
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: ACR Health
Contact: Liz Wright
Phone: 3158982497
Email: ewright@acrhealth.org

We don’t know what a life holds or where that life will end up; how many others that life touches, how many lessons that life must repeat or when that life finally learns to live. Overdose is preventable. Help us to keep that light alive in others and not let it get snuffed out too soon! Join us for an afternoon of education, community connections, awareness and remembrance. Light refreshments served, speakers to talk about how Overdose has affected their lives, free Naloxone training, music, rock painting, and open mic poetry/musical expression. Join us!