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Overdose Awareness Event

Date: 17/08/2024
Time: 11:00 am
Location: McCormick Park (475 S 18th Street, St. Helens, OR 97051)
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: Columbia County Public Health
Contact: Haley Schimmel
Email: haley.schimmel@columbiacountyor.gov
Web: https://www.facebook.com/events/804276321842735

Columbia County’s 3rd Annual Overdose Awareness Event is in collaborative effort and partnership with numerous local community-based organizations. The purpose of this event is to honor those who have lost their lives to overdose, provide support to those who have been impacted by overdose, and raise awareness.

We will have Narcan training and kits, recovery and resource tables, tribute boards, guest speakers, live music, drumming circle, food for the first 100 participants, and raffle prizes. This event is completely free and open to all individuals!