Date: 29/08/2024
Time: 01:00 pm
Location: Flags and posters will be placed around the township from August 15 – 31 to spread interest.
August 29th 1pm we will have a presentation at the Montclair Library Montclair, NJ
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: Essex Health and Wellness Recovery Center
Contact: Robin A Lavorato
Phone: 8624858811
Time: 01:00 pm
Location: Flags and posters will be placed around the township from August 15 – 31 to spread interest.
August 29th 1pm we will have a presentation at the Montclair Library Montclair, NJ
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: Essex Health and Wellness Recovery Center
Contact: Robin A Lavorato
Phone: 8624858811
We will hold a presentation. We will begin with remembering our neighbors lost to overdose. We will have a guest speaker who will share their loss. We will discuss the high rate of overdose deaths in our County – Essex County, NJ. We will have the Montclair Ambulance Unit share about their experiences responidng to overdose calls. We will hold a Narcan Administration training.