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Maxs Missions 8th annual Overdose Awareness Day

Date: 09/07/2024
Time: 02:00 pm
Location: Hawthorne Park near playground on grassy area
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Organisation
Name of Organisation: MAXS MISSION
Contact: Julia & Seraphina Pinsky
Phone: 4582259760
Email: maxmission@gmail.com
Web: https://www.maxsmission.org/

Max’s Mission’s 8th Annual Overdose Awareness Day is scheduled for Saturday, September 7, at Hawthorne Park in Medford from 2:00 to 5:00 PM.

This year’s theme is: Together We Can which is particularly appropriate considering the amazing support shown year after year by so many of you for this event! Last year we had an incredible turnout from so many across Southern Oregon. Sadly, overdoses in our communities have continued at a frightening pace due to the prevalence of fentanyl, making the distribution of naloxone more vital than ever. Our program includes a remembrance booth with memorial activities as well as an updated remembrance video. We will also have free naloxone distribution and live training, guest speakers, live music, food trucks, refreshments, and much more.