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International Overdose Awareness Day Event

Date: 24/08/2024
Time: 10:00 am
Location: The event is held in the gathering space of the Enlightened Living Center in Burlington, WI.
Public/Private: Public
Individual/Organisation: Individual
Name of Organisation:
Contact: Chloe Branen
Phone: 262-716-5191
Email: chloe.yarro.email@gmail.com
Web: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/burlington-international-overdose-awareness-day-event-tickets-911665244287

On display will be the most recent Wisconsin Memorial Quilt which visually shows the impact addiction has made on our Wisconsin families and communities. Speakers will share personal stories along with information that will lead to a better understanding around the public health concern of Substance Use Disorder in Racine County. Harm reduction strategies will be emphasized and demonstrated and free Narcan will be available from Racine County Public Health along with other resource partners.